AQUARIUS : Jan 21 - Feb 19

For ConsumersDescribe your site as best you can with your Yahoo domains name. For example, a pair of amateur magicians might use their stage names, some combination of words including magic, or the name of their most famous trick.

How do I choose a Yahoo domains name?Keep these tips in mind as you select your Yahoo domains name.
Your domains name should reflect your business name or the topic your site will cover. It should be a unique and concise name that is easy to say, remember, and spell. You can use only letters, numbers, and hyphens in your domains name. Spaces or other symbols are not allowed. If your first choice isn't available, try rearranging the word order, adding hyphens, or using abbreviations or locations to come up with a unique alternative. Once you have a domains name, you need a web site! Luckily, you came to the right place. It's easy to add Yahoo! services that help you build a full web site or open an online store.
Private Domain RegistrationDid you know that anyone — including spammers and telemarketers — can find your contact information just by looking up your domain name online?
That's right. The Internet's governing body, ICANN, requires that every domain owner's name and contact information be listed in an online database. Unfortunately, many solicitors regularly go through this database to gather contacts for marketing campaigns.